Monday, 26 March 2007

Say something, anything

Wanted to make sure I was still posting things, though the past week has largely been spent recovering form SXSW's exertions and feeling guilty about the work I haven't been getting on with. That said I do have news: got my flight to Lake Tahoe booked and so am flying out to Northern California to hook up with Sam and do some snowboarding for a couple of weeks.

That's the big news for sure. Plan is to hang out with Sam for these couple of weeks before working my way down to Palm Springs for Coachella. Basically April is gonna be an immense month. I'm so excited about this. Trav, Chris, Joel and I are gonna tear it up and see some amazing music. Looks like I've managed to sell the guys on staying for an extra couple of days of camping at Joshua Tree National Park.

April is also the month Trav, Chris and I are supposed to be sorting out our new lodgings, but, alas, it seems our get up and go on this front is lacking somewhat. I'm sure we'll pull our sick together and get it sorted. I'm kinda suffering a minor bout of homesickness that I know I will pull through, but it's definitely dinted my motivation slightly. I'm spending far too much time ambling through my own thoughts when I should really be getting on with living life. No worries, I know I'll pull it together.

I just got through watching Cameron Crowe's Singles (1992) for the first time ever. Probably wasn't the best movie selection given my current state of mind, but I'm a sucker for relationship movies. I can see why there would have been a time when I could learned a full useful life lessons from this film, but I am somewhat well versed in the 'dos and don'ts' of the game of love. That's not to say that I'm any good at them, I just know them well.

Singles is about a group of 20-something friends in Seattle, bumbling their way from relationship to relationship, essentially looking for anyone who resembles 'the one'. To be honest I don't even think 'the one' is that important in this movie, just someone who at least fits kind of right. Hey, at least it's a pragmatic approach right?

The film is more than anything else, merely a collection of moments that you will recognise from your own experiences in life and love, and it is in this that it finds its strength. Its truth. Moments shared between two people that are the first tentative steps toward the beginning of something - the fleeting and frightening. At those moments where there is that recognition that hearts are being stolen, recklessly unguarded with all the intoxicating excitement fueling the adrenaline that causes the heart pump triple time.

Yeah, so I liked Singles. Perhaps we've grown passed this now though. Perhaps it was of a different time and our concerns in regard to personal success and male/female relationships have evolved a little further. Or maybe they are both just as messy as they've always been and it's just our hairstyles and dress sense that have changed.

In a final note, my Disc Golf performances have got much worse of late, my last effort clocking up 20-over. I wonder if I shouldn't have been so quick to be slight about the great sport of hippy golf. Although I also wonder if it had something to do with my lack of alcohol intake last round....hmmm.

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