I gotta keep this short as there is much to do and if I leave posting any longer it might not happen. So, the rest of my stay in Los Angeles was amazing. After two nights with the lovely Whitney, I was picked up by Greg and taken to his place in Santa Monica. I met Greg on my trip to San Francisco back in July. I was on the BART train on my way to see Daft Punk in Berkeley and was sure the lads across from me were going to. As is my style we got to talking and I ended up spending the rest of the weekend living it up with Greg, Justin, Dan and their friends. They truly made it a trip to remember. To see the pictures from my trip to San Francisco go HERE.

Right, well, as things turned out Greg lives in a rather nice house. In fact let me be more accurate. Greg lives in possibly the most incredible house I've ever been in. A four floor beach front property in Santa Monica. Views of the sea every morning, the sunset every night. It's simply incredible. Two minutes stroll to the Pacific Ocean everyday. You just can't go wrong. Anyway, I've landed on my feet like crazy and Greg is such a sweet host. The place actually belongs to his family and Greg lives there while he plugs away at his acting career. Greg grew up in Santa Monica his entire life so is the perfect host as he demonstrated the next day.

I knew LA was huge but nothing could really quite prepare me for the view of the city Greg shared with me after driving us up to the Santa Monica mountains (they may be hills, I'm not sure). The view over Hollywood, Santa Monica, downtown LA, Beverley Hills is astounding. Seeing the sea front stretch on and on and on was quite something. After climbing down the hill Greg and I went driving all over town. Sunset Boulevard, Mulholland Drive, Hollywood's walk of fame, Bill Cosby's house, Celebrity Scientology Castle. It was awesome. I was totally in awe. I'm not even sure why really though. I guess because it was truly a alien world to me. Streets lined with Palm Tress, millionaires whizzing past me at every intersection. I loved the whole entire bizarreness of it all.

Oh, and I saw the Jim Henson Company, which made me particularly happy. We couldn't find a good place for photo opp of the Hollywood sign, but I did see it. I'll save the stealing a letter plan for another time. It's not going anywhere just yet.

After this there was more hanging out in LA, checking out the town etc before I finally got to see Thea who got back into town on Monday. It was awesome to see her and she was equally blown away by Greg's place by the way. Anyways, Thea took me surfing for the first time. I loved it. I wanna surf more. Loads more. It kinda completes my trilogy of board sports (I've always seen myself as a completist). And yes, I caught at least one wave and got to stand up. I was rather proud of myself. That said my rib cage is still hurting. Don't know when that is ever going to heal up since Tahoe to be honest.

And now I am back in San Francisco with Justin and Dan, staying with Dan and his housemate Emily. Seven/eight hours on the Megabus turned out to be not nearly as painful as expected. $35 wasn't too bad either, course if I'd booked earlier it would have been much cheaper (possibly a dollar). But either way, I am here, got very excited traveling across the Bay Bridge into a rainy San Fran. Tonight is Justice. It's going to be a barnstormer.

By the way, I need a job when I get back to Austin. Cash in hand. Keep your eyes peeled folks.