Wandering aimlessly today I saw this in the window of an abandoned shop on Parramatta Road and thought I'd share.

I've been taking lots of pictures since I got here but I can't transfer images from my camera to my computer at the moment. The picture above I took with my phone.
Not too much news this end, still job hunting for something full time, though i have found a couple of days a week work with a alternative sports magazine called Neutraliser. Oh, and anyone reading this, I also have a new blog. It's film centric and can be found here DARK HABITS.
The magazine industry here in Australia is strange. The shelves are filled with imported magazines, and some of the bigger mags published here reproduce material from their American and British sister mags. That said, many of the jobs that are coming up are online positions, hence why I've started building my web presence with the new blog, which contains a portfolio of much of my past work. Course all that said, I just did a little UK job search and there's nothing going there at all.
I'm a little sad that I'm not in the states at this interesting time in the country's history, but I urge everyone to follow closely the not only what the candidates have to say, but the way in which the choice is dividing the country and the general publics' response to the candidates. Barack Obama is obviously of particular interest, not because of what he represents in his rhetoric, or the extent to which he is creating such mixed reactions, but also because of how much he reminds me of a certain left of centre, populist British politician who inspired Kennedy-esque comparisons and promised new beginnings.
Hope everyone is well, send news...