What do you want?
And inspired remix found on youtube:
Scott's haphazard adventures in America and Australia with the hopeless optimism of discovering things that make sense and nonsense in equal measure.
And inspired remix found on youtube:
Posted by
Scott Henderson
'Life isn't easy', I was reminded by someone close to me this week. True, not something I wasn't aware of, but thanks all the same. In the same breath though, I reminded myself that while it may not be easy, it sure is a lot of fun.
And so here I find myself, half way around the world in yet another country – still drinking in Irish pubs. Some things don't change wherever you find yourself. Today is the start of my third week as a resident of Sydney, Australia. Life is back in the starting blocks, top priority? Find a job (yesterday wouldn't be soon enough right now). There are others matters of pressing urgency but I won't bore you on the details.
I've moved in with my best friend Tristan and his wonderful girlfriend Amanda. Indeed, 'moved in' might be a kind way of describing the fact that these two great friends have practically adopted me and saved me from the streets. I'm down to emergency funds. Sadly however, I spent these emergency funds in a moment of madness and confusion at Heathrow 16 days ago. Two-hundred and fifty pounds excess baggage on my credit card which was nothing sort of a catastrophe. At least things can only get better from there...
My plans to surprise Marilyn and Joel worked a treat. It was nearly a year to the day that I said goodbye to Maz as she returned to Oz in 2007 and Joel I hadn't seen since his hurricane visitation to Austin. Marilyn screamed, threw her phone, then cried. We hugged and it felt great. Joel on the other hand asked: "What are you doing here?" In true Team Unity-style we partied almost immediately while I fought the jetlag as we journeyed through the music and mayhem of Big Day Out Sydney. LCD Soundsystem, Arcade Fire, Battles and Spoon provided the soundtrack to my arrival in Australia. Phil and Mark became my newest Aussies friends. Good times were had.
[for everyone who's worried about how pale I am in the next picture, my face is covered in faded white zinc. I'm Scottish and I gotta protect that fair skin of mine. I'm not ill.]
I survived to the next day to enjoy the sunshine and celebrate my second Australia Day with the gang. We spent the day at The Domain park at the Triple J Hottest 100, a countdown of, yes, the top 100 tracks of the passed year. The top tune was so forgettable I couldn't tell you what it was. But it was good to see the Kaiser Chiefs make the 13th spot. A quick wiki search tells me Muse were number one. Dull.
It was great fun nonetheless and the sun beat good vibrations all day long. Sadly the same can't be said since then as we've endured storm after storm here on the coast of New South Wales. The circumstance that hasn't helped the fact Tristan and I have been walking over a mile to get to Kelly's pub to use its free wifi. I am something of a regular now and the bar lady who I met on my first day here in Sydney is always really sweet to me.
The Superbowl happened and the New York Giants surprised everyone, except a seemingly deluded Chris Shea. What an amazing game it was. I can't say which I wanted more though, for the Patriots perfect season to be wrecked or for Brady to destroy Manning and co. What can you say? The Giants were amazing and deserved to win. The biggest sadness of the day was that I didn't get to share it with my American fans back in Austin. I have certainly been missing that Texan oddity and all my friends who reside there. I'm trying not to be that guy who moves to a new town and bangs on constantly about how great the other place he lived is. I'm trying hard, but I miss Austin so much, it feels like a part of me is absent. It is an absence I have been dealing with by perfecting my own pica de gallo to accompany the many tacos I've been making recently. Oh Rafa, where are you when I need my $1.50 barbacoa on flour?
You will have noticed that the blog has undergone some changes. I'm not sure I'm happy with the colours yet, so they may yet change again, but my eyes were starting to bleed from staring at them. Oh, and I decided it was time to put the Chautuaqua to bed and adopt my moniker as the blog's name. Anyone who is linking, could you change it on your page? thanks guys. Anyone who I haven't linked to could you let me know your address please? As soon as I figure out a title, I will be launching my film blog too, so keep an eye out for it.
Promise to post again soon. And ps. don't ever let anyone discourage you by telling you that life isn't easy. Stay strong and true to yourself. Good things will come with faith in your capabilities and confidence in the future.
Posted by
Scott Henderson
Labels: Austin, Australia, Australia Day, Big Day Out, Kelly's, Sydney, Team Unity, Triple J